Monday, June 7, 2010

With a person from an older generation. Tracy (my mum).
From my generation. Alex (my sister).
Technology help or hindrance?
Jake: What do you think about school children using laptops rather than books in school?
Tracy: The writing skills of children will become poorer. They (laptops) should be used in conjunction with books and textbooks.
Alex: I don't agree with it. I just think its too expensive compared with books and I've heard that their expensive to fix. I also think it gives school children a lot more opportunities to do non school work like playing games and watching DVDS.
Jake: However do you think schools are simply moving with times? Seeing that their are more employment opportunities in the technology field these days?
Tracy: But their are still a lot of jobs that require good writing and spelling.
Alex: No its to biased towards certain jobs. Some kids might not want a job in technology like a plumber or builder.
Jake: What is your preferred method of obtaining information, via the Internet and TV or books and newspapers?
Tracy: I've read online newspapers and its just not the same than flicking through the pages. However the Internet is good for certain things such as obtaining information from overseas. But with the Internet theirs a lot of sites which means more incorrect information from unreliable sources. With books their isn't as many sources but what you find is most likely going to be correct.
Alex: Internet and newspapers. A combination of both provides me with everything I need.
Jake: What do you think about social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook?
Tracy: They cause more harm than good, they have been blamed for several murders and is a playground for 'cyber bullying'. Stalkers can access personal details and photos which can be manipulated and spread all over the world through the Internet.
Alex: People think they have more friends then they really do. It enables them to use incorrect grammar and is a negative influence.
Jake: Do you believe seeing pictures or videos of a place around the world on the Internet or TV is as good as going there in person?
Tracy: No, definitely not! Being there is far better than seeing a picture or video clip. You can't feel the atmosphere via a computer.
Alex:No. It would encourage me more to go and visit these places.
Jake: So, you see technology as more of a hindrance rather than a help?
Tracy: No not really, you have to specify the type of technology because working as I do in the health system I see technology responsible for the saving of lots of lives. We've got advances in medical treatment, diagnose, MRI, etc. Therefore technology in the right context is a help but then you get the technology like facebook that opens up ways for paedophiles and child pornography which obviously is not a help. So you cant say all technology is good and all technology is bad you have to put in context what is good and what is bad.
Alex:It could be more of a help but the way it is used makes it a hindrance.