Monday, March 29, 2010

New and emerging technologies are changing the way journalists gather and present news stories. There's no doubt the Internet has been the largest technological advancement ever! Journalists can now access information from sources all over the world accumulating in broader and more detailed information in just seconds! This is very different from the practices journalists used in the pre- Internet age.

Journalists relied upon their own investigative skills like interviewing witnesses, taking notes and thinking outside the box when gathering information on the story.

Secondly, the competition for stories is ever increasing with hundred's of rival newspapers all vying for that front page headline. Arriving first at a location can be of huge significance, a prime viewing location or a first interview can make or break a story. This is seeing companies acquiring high powered Cars, Helicopters and even Aeroplanes to get their as quickly as possible. The traditional way of getting to a story is to drive their in a car when learning of a breaking story, however the Internet has made people demand the news as soon as possible so other forms of transport are expected.

Presentation of news stories have changed from one feature article stretching over several pages but the technological advances in computer imaging allows smaller fonts, clearer ( smaller sized) pictures allowing more room for advertisements resulting in more money for the companies.

New technologies are rapidly revolutionising how news is gathered and illustrated to the audience across the world.

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