Monday, April 19, 2010

Today in class I had the privlege of being able to just sit and watch what's going on around us, a rare occurance I know.

While I was parked on a bench in a field of grass I took in the sights and sounds that are lost amongst our busy and crowded lives.

Squeeling birds high in the swaying tree tops and a lonesome crow pecking at grubs below the soil was an example of an ecosystem in full flight.

As the sun began to slowly creep below the mountains it lit an array of shades on the nereby flora. The tips of the plants were a light green with a yellow base while the stems were a thick black.
A contrast to this natural occurance was the fickering of a light in a classroom beyond.

With this peaceful aroma sweeping me into 'another world' I lost the realisation that this is an educational area and that it houses thousands of people. So with my newly found discovery I took in the facial expressions of the people passing by. Minor frowning resembling tiredness, bags under the eyes probably showing the remains of a hangover and the odd cough representing a winter cold.

So as my alloted time began to run out, I focused on the sources of the constant sound that continued to ring in my ears and suprise suprise it was the swooshing of the cars on the freeway that gained the majority of my attention.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time experiencing the world without technology inpeding my thoughts.

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